Watching the World Around Us

Fully Grown Adults, Who Should Know Better, Say The Darndest Things
September 18, 2009, 8:54 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I have a question to pose for all of you out there. Have you ever had someone, who you have never met in your life, just decide to share things to you that you would never consider sharing with a total stranger? Something that you would never had guessed about them and that you could truly go on living having never discovered that fact about them. I have found this to be something I frequently encounter in my life. Since I began working in high school I have always done jobs that involve people. Cashier at a department store Cashier at a local family owned Grocery Store, and also a desk attendant at school where I am currently working as I write this blog. Holding such positions have given me a chance to meet a lot of people and I have to say, people really like to share deep thoughts and personal business with me. I will be at my job at the grocery store and I might ask a woman who is just another customer how her day went and I’ll get a response along the lines of: “well, this is my first day out and about since I broke my hip about three months ago and well my doctor told me I couldn’t walk on it for a few months and I’ve had family members delivering food and it is really dull just sitting around your house waiting for your hip to heal. So when he finally told me that I could drive it was such an exciting thing to hear and I realized that I was in a desperate need for some eggs so I decided to come to the grocery store to pick up my groceries since I haven’t shopped in three months and I’m so excited to drive, so here I am.” To which I respond. “Would you like paper or plastic?” Don’t get confused, however, this is not limited to when I am on the service side of the equation. I have had many a cashier also share with me tales of her life that I could truly continue living without knowing. One instance that comes to mine is the instance that gave me the idea for this particular blog entry. So this week was Tuesday and for those of you who don’t know, Tuesday is the day when the new CDs of the week come out. Tuesdays are big days in my life. So I go to Keene to pick up this week’s selections and I get in line to check out and I notice an interesting exchange between the cashier and the customers in front of me. One fun fact you might not know about working a cash register is, if the receipt prints out with red ink on the sides of it, that means it is time to change the roll. So this happens to the young woman working the cash register and the customer says “Oh, I guess it’s time to change the roll.” To which she responds, “your right, the way that red ink is all over it, it’s just like DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER!” I must also emphasize that while saying this she starts flailing around dramatically to further dramatize the seriousness of the near empty roll of register tape. After this display the customers in front of me kind of give her a weird look and continue on their way and she turns to me as I am next in line and she says, without missing a beat, “this is why I date myself.” To which I responded with complete silence. Lesson for this blog? If total strangers decide to share their life stories with them, just go with it. It might be good for a few laughs and a PMG Blog later. Have a good weekend.

– Jeff

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Hilarious Observations 🙂

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